AEP Ohio crews are beginning to use drones to improve the reliability of your service. They are just another layer of the technology working behind the scenes to keep your power on.
With a high-resolution camera and infrared technology, inspection drones travel 200 to 300 feet above the lines to look for hotspots and potential problem areas on AEP Ohio’s poles, lines and equipment.
It’s all about being proactive and working to find and fix issues before they cause an outage. When the drone flags a hotspot, crews immediately get a game plan together to make repairs.
Typically, crews on the ground do this same type of work as they walk pole to pole with infrared equipment looking for issues. Drones come into the picture when crews need a different vantage point or might need to reach an area for inspection that’s not easily accessible on foot.
Hear more about how we’re using drones and see them in action in the Canton area.
This is just one of the many ways that AEP Ohio is working to improve your electric service, whether on the ground or in the sky. Learn more about how we’re making your service better, faster and stronger.
We had a very short 6-minute outage. Thank you so much for fixing it so quickly and also making me aware in an email.