We recently shared that customers who receive their generation supply through AEP Ohio are seeing an increase in their electric bills. Based on your account information*, you are enrolled in the Percentage of Income Payment Plan (PIPP) and your electric bill is not impacted by this same increase. Please continue to make your PIPP payments in full and on-time in order to have your outstanding balance eliminated. We also recommend that you explore other programs, like the Electric Partnership Plan (EPP) and Home Energy Assistance Summer Crisis Program (HEAP).

  • EPP: As a PIPP participant, you are eligible to receive an in-home audit and installation of appropriate energy-efficient measures such as appliances and weatherization to reduce electric usage and improve the comfort in your home.
  • HEAP: You may also be eligible for a one-time benefit that can help pay down a past-due balance, avoid disconnect and/or help establish new electric service. 

Important PIPP Reminder: Be sure to re-verify your income every year so your plan doesn’t expire. Your anniversary month can be found on your electric bill. Also, when you make 24 months of in-full, on-time PIPP payments, your outstanding balance due will be eliminated. 

As the weather continues to warm up, we’ve outlined a few added ways you can stay ahead of the heat and help minimize the impact on your electric bill. Hit play below:

Learn more at AEPOhio.com/Save

*Disclaimer: You are receiving this email based on account information provided on June 11, 2023. If you have questions, please contact our Customer Solutions team at 800-672-2231.

5 responses to “Beat the Heat: Savings & Resources

  1. I love AEP since my day one with it and that is not only for its salvation offer of rebate on my energy bills for such a long time now as for any other US citizen on PIPP benefits, but also for its so careful attention to reminding its customers like me on how to save on my monthly bills.
    Most of all, the AEP’s educational system of its customers set up along the way has taught me how to not only get useful equipment to save energy while enjoying the relief on my bills but also how to be on top of all home in my neighborhood for less energy consumption on every step of its evaluation on this matter. I am blessed to have AEP as my all-time energy provider, but sincerely also for its attention to always confirm my payments whenever made, providing by that way a peace of mind for my payment on the due date. Thanks, AEP and let’s stay together forever.

  2. I. like to thank the app and pip for the help they have given me the last several years, without them I would have sunk. Thank you again.

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