It’s never too early to teach your kids about energy efficiency, and we’re here to help. Below are a few educational activities you can try with your kids this summer.
Take a “Field Trip”
Walk around your house with your child and pinpoint opportunities to save energy. Unplug appliances that can save power, such as phone chargers, game consoles or kitchen appliances like toasters and blenders.
Use Puzzles
Complete this word search with your child, and discuss each word and its meaning in the context of energy efficiency. For example, to “conserve” energy can be as simple as turning off a light when you leave a room.
Be Transparent
Energy efficiency can be an abstract concept, especially for kids. Show your kids the electricity bill and explain how their actions can directly impact it. A lower bill means that you’re helping the environment, conserving energy — and saving money that can later be spent on kid-friendly activities.
Set an Example
Remember that children watch and learn from their parents, so practice energy efficiency yourself. Turn off lights when you leave the room and unplug items that aren’t in use — kids will follow your lead.
To explore other energy-related educational resources and activities, visit AEP Electric Universe, Energy Star Kids and the National Energy Education Development. You never know, you might be teaching a future engineer.