Steve Webb, a lineworker in the Lancaster area, was responding to a call in Logan about a customer’s power being out when he spotted a 10-year-old boy practicing his karate moves nearby. After restoring service and talking to the customer, he headed to his truck to finish up some paperwork and let the dispatching center know the job was complete. As he prepared to leave, he noticed the boy was gone.
Like he does every time before moving his vehicle, Steve got out to perform a 360 Circle for Safety walkaround. As he looked above and below and checked his surroundings, he spotted the boy, punching and kicking the air about 10 feet behind his truck.
“I looked out my window and didn’t see him,” Steve said. “I couldn’t see him in my mirrors either.”
Steve has been with AEP Ohio for 17 years and credits previous experienced lineworkers for helping him establish safe behaviors and routines. Over the years, using proper procedures has become almost a habit – Circle for Safety included.
“It’s hard to see all the hazards if you just glance. You can miss a lot,” Steve said. “That’s why you always walk the whole way around. When you force yourself to do it over and over, it sticks with you.”
This story is a great reminder of the importance of mindfulness, especially as many head back to school and buses and student drivers hit the roadways this fall. Always be sure you’re tuned into your surroundings to keep yourself and others safe.
I loved this story and want to thank u for your safety acts for it will always save lives thank u again