AEP Ohio is increasingly giving used vehicles to community organizations that need them. The program is fostering relationships with customers and cultivating our shared future, one donation at a time.
Veterans groups and line worker training centers are among those with a need for digger derricks, pickup trucks, tractors, trailers, etc. AEP Ohio sends vehicles like these to auction every year but the company is more frequently matching trucks with organizations that will put them to good use.
In the past, AEP typically donated about one old vehicle per year; since 2018, AEP and AEP Ohio have together donated 21. The increase is a result of seeing a need in the community and identifying trucks we can give. Some recipients in the past two years include True North Veterans Support, Habitat for Humanity MidOhio, Buckeye Career Center, C-TEC of Licking County, Boy Scouts of America and the Scioto County Career and Technology Center.
“We see these donations as being just one piece of being a good partner in the communities we serve,” says Community & Customer Experience Manager Dave Wheeler. “We’re helping these organizations out but, particularly with the technical schools, some of these people may also be future AEP Ohio employees. So we’re building relationships in our community and investing in our future.”
Thanks to the success of the program, AEP Ohio expects to continue its increase in donations as long as trucks are available. If you would like to submit a request for a vehicle, please contact one of our Customer & Community Experience account managers at