Keeping your lights on is our top priority. Our crews are out working each and every day, making repairs and updates to our equipment to provide you with more reliable power. In our last newsletter, we shared all of the work we accomplished last year. We’re not done — we have more work to do. As part of our continued effort to improve the reliability of your service, we’ve laid out our planned upgrades for 2023 and are already off to a great start. Learn more below about what we’ll be working on in southern Ohio.

For more information and to see our crews in action, check out this video.

19 responses to “Keeping Your Power On: Our Plans for 2023

  1. Great plan for the grid infrastructure upgrade and upkeep. Transformers seem to be the issue in my area of Chillicothe. Thanks for all you do.

  2. ATT was here today and they were removing their lines off of the AEP poles. They said there is one pole that is ready to crumble and it will take down our power. Can someone come take a look at that pole?

  3. As a customer and Veteran I’m very proud to know that you are doing the best for all of us cause especially to me Electricity is a very important thing to keep me living. Thank you for your service.

  4. Great! I’m a new customer and pleased to hear about the upgrades and keeping us informed

    Jon Campbell Hillsboro Ohio

  5. Lower my bill. Im not worried about upgrading, I’m worried about a $500 per month bill. This should be illegal.

  6. Awesome plans to improve. Keep up the great work!! And thank you for keeping the power grid safe and working. Hats off to all you guys/gals do!!

  7. AEP has always been a great company, and I’ve lived here 32 years. Thank you linemen for the jobs you do in very adverse conditions! Y’all have been very responsive to Aberdeen’s needs. Again thanks.

  8. You guys and gals are awesome, seems
    Like my electric is never off very often and when it is it is for a short period of time. I have often thought about installing a home generator but then think about you guys and how reliable my power is and then quickly decide against it.

  9. How is AEP going to keep up with energy demands, when no new power generation plants are being built? With brown outs occurring during the summer and we experience one when the temperatures were eight below zero. Homes will have to have 400 amp services installed to charge their cars. When are power stations going to be built?
    How are you going to stop copper theives? This occurred at Nelsonville Ohio. Now substations are becoming targets for domestic terrorists. I hope plan’s are being made to protect the substations.
    I hope AEP is using point to point internet to stop hackers from attacking the grid. This is really important this infrastructure be protected from our adversaries, Russia, China and others.

  10. my power goes out everytime the wind blowes it seems like , across the street from me has power when mine goes out !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the whole village of south point will have power and mine will be out !! dont understand it

    1. Hello Richard, thanks for bringing this to our attention. Please reach out to our Customer Solutions Team at 800-672-2231 or reach out via Facebook or Twitter. They will be able to pull up your account info and take a closer look at what’s going on.

  11. My brother Dennis worked for AEP for many years. I know how hard you all work in all kinds of bad weather. God bless all of you. Thank you for all you do, I really appreciate all your hard work.

    Jeni Cassidy

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