Keeping your lights on is our top priority. Our crews are out working each and every day, making repairs and updates to our equipment to provide you with more reliable power. In our last newsletter, we shared all of the work we accomplished last year. We’re not done — we have more work to do. As part of our continued effort to improve the reliability of your service, we’ve laid out our planned upgrades for 2023 and are already off to a great start. Learn more below about what we’ll be working on in eastern Ohio.

For more information and to see our crews in action, check out this video.

17 responses to “Keeping Your Power On: Our Plans for 2023

  1. Prices of my bill last couple of months is outrageous and of one person and barely now heat on in my house and below 60 degrees and a70year old person 195 to 230 is outrageous

    1. David, we know a high bill can be concerning. Please give us a call at 800-672-2231 or message us on Facebook or Twitter. One of our customer service reps will be able to pull up and review your account.

  2. Keep up the good work. We do not realize how much we depend on electric until we don’t have any. Thanks for a job well done!

  3. Yes, there were less power outages in 2022. Have had one this year so far. Appreciate your efforts to update lines.

  4. I appreciate knowing when scheduled outages will occur and an approximately for what length of time. I have a power operated recliner chair that doesn’t have battery backup. I’m 71 so getting trapped in my recliner is a problem for me especially when I need to use the ladies room. Thank you for keeping the power lines safe. Your company always does a great job.

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